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Biztalk gotcha!

Posts Tagged ‘Port Subscription

Using a orchestration to subscribe to schemas which have been published as a web service

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I came across this gotcha a few days ago, I wanna document it very badly before I forget.

So you published your schemas as a web service, built a orchestration and a C# program to test your web service. And then BAAAMM, you got the following error.

A message received by adapter “SOAP” on receive location “<YourReceiveLocation>” with URI “<YourWebServiceURI>” is suspended.
Error details: The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found. This error occurs if the subscribing orchestration or send port has not been enlisted, or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not been promoted.

You checked your orchestration and the web service and failed to identify the problem. Now it’s the time to blame biztalk, as it gives no help for resolving this issue.

As a general note, you can view your subscriptions from Biztalk Administration Console -> Biztalk Group -> New Query -> Search for subscriptions -> Double click on the orchestration.

Ok, in the expressions tab, there is a method Name row. This method name row has to be the same as the operation name of the webservice you are using. For example, if you are calling an operation in a web service called “calculate”, the orchestration port subscribing to this web service must use the name “calculate” as it’s “Operation” not the default value “Operation_1”. SO next time don’t forget to set your operation name when subscribing to a web service. 🙂

I will post a guide on how to publish a web service and write a C# windows application to test the web service when I have time.

Written by stormdweller

March 31, 2009 at 3:33 AM